Trunk Or Treat

Trunk Or Treat

October 25th | 6pm to 8pm

Vendors may park their vehicles and begin set up at 4:30 p.m. They must be completely set up by 5:30 p.m.


What is Trunk or Treat?

Trunk or Treat is an event where each business or organization will decorate the trunk of their vehicle. They will provide a small game or activity the children participate in that results in candy. Ideas include:


– Hopscotch

– Cornhole

– Ladder golf

– “Fishing” for candy

– Lollipop pull


Anything you can think of that is fun and creative.

What does it cost to be a vendor?

Non-profit Organizations: $15.00


Businesses: $25.00


Electrical Hook-up: Additional $10.00
Very limited spots with electrical hookup


These fees include full promotion of this event.

How many people can we expect to attend?

While this is our 1st annual Trunk-or-Treat, events normally have a very large turnout. This event will be marketed through:


– Our email marketing base to approximately 5,000 families

– Our internal members through flyers, table tents, announcement TVs, etc.

– Local community Facebook groups

– Facebook event

– Flyers at each of the participating businesses

– Fusion Athletics Facebook and Instagram (more than 7,000 combined followers)


Based on the marketing plan, we can anticipate upwards of 1,500 families.

How can I promote my business?

This is the perfect way to promote your business while providing a fun service to the community.


– Hang your business banner on your vehicle

– Hand out swag along with candy

– Meet the people of the community and get to know them


Registration Is Now Closed