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Ninja Warriors
Fusion 2 U
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Season 14 Contract
Contact Info
Financial Agreement
Fusion Athletics Season 14 Contract
Parent's Name
Street Address
ZIP Code
Medical Authorization and Liability Release
I authorize
Fusion Athletics
and its representatives to consent to medical treatment for my child when I cannot be
reached to consent. I am fully aware that any activity involving motion, height or athletic activities create the possibility
of serious injury, paralysis or even death. I further agree to hold
Fusion Athletics
and its staff harmless for any injury or
resulting expense(s). I release and discharge all rights and claims against Fusion Athletics, and it’s parties.
strives to provide the maximum in safety procedures and guidelines, and cannot assume responsibility for any accidents, injuries or illness that may occur.
I agree to the Medical Authorization and Liability Release
Parent Consent
The athlete listed above has my permission to participate in the Fusion Athletics program and or camp for the
2024/2025 year. In consideration for the training and coaching provided by Fusion Athletics and its staff, I understand
that my son/daughter must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the coaches and staff. I understand that
violations of any of these rules may result in removal from the classes and/or events. We acknowledge and recognize
that hazards are present in any athletic event and that injury may result. Fusion Athletics coaches, staff and
volunteers will not be liable for injury that occurs during practice, competitions or travel to and from activities.
I agree to the Parent Consent.
Athlete's Info
Athlete's Name
Athlete's DOB
Athlete's Age
Emergency Contact Info
Emergency Contact Information
Does your child have any allergies we need to be aware of?
Does your child have any medial conditions we need to be aware of?
Does your child have any medial conditions we need to be aware of?
Has your child ever experienced a concussion?
Is there anything else for us to know?
Financial Agreement
I understand and agree to the following:
I understand and agree that tuition is due on the 1st of the month for the current month. So January tuition is due Jan 1st. Tuition is set up and automatically drafted through Jackrabbit each month.
Prep, Elite and Cheeribilities Only- I understand that in addition to tuition, I will pay assessments as outlined in the packet. Assessments are ran automatically on the 1st of each month.
I understand that my uniform is a separate cost and if needed is due on the dates listed above in the fee schedule.
I understand that shoes are not included with my uniform. I will order them personally. Fusion Athletics will set up sizing nights. Elite and Prep teams wear all black shoes. Cheeribilities, Performance and Novice wear all white shoes.
I understand that I am subject to a late fee charge of $25 after the 5th of the designated month and if my account is pass due on the 10th of the month, my athlete will no longer be allowed to participate until my account is brought current. Excessive tardiness of payments will be grounds for my child not competing and possible dismissal.
I understand and agree that as the parent signing this contract, that I am solely responsible for the Tuition, Travel Expenses, Uniform and Assessments as outlined in this packet.
I understand if I leave the program prior to May 15th 2025, I am subject to a $250 buyout fee. This will be billed to the card on file at the your time of departure from the program.
I agree to the Financial Agreement.
Policy Agreement
1. The Cheer Season is a full year commitment from June 2024‐May 2025.
2. All Fusion Athletics customers are required to have a card set up in Jackrabbit for all payments. All tuition is ran on the 1st of each month. Athletes will not be allowed to practice until there is a card on file or the account is paid in full.
3. Your account must be current for your child to participate in team practices, tumbling classes, open gyms, private lessons and or competitions.
4. All monthly fees, assessment fees, and or uniform fees, must be paid in advance in order to participate in any event. All fees are 100% Non-Refundable for any reason.
5. If you chose to pay your Assessments in full and choose to discontinue anytime from June 2024 to May 2025, your fees are Non-Refundable. The $250 buyout fee and expenses already paid out for the season will be deducted and
the remaining balance will be applied as a credit onto your account for Fusion Services or Goods. NO REFUNDS will be
given. Remember you are signing up for a spot on a Fusion team, not for a specific team or position.
6. I understand that if my child decides to quit the Fusion Athletics program (for any reason other than family
relocation with a valid real estate document, or a season ending sport injury with a valid physician’s certificate) at any time from June 1st 2024 to the end of the competition season May 15th, 2025, I will be charged a $250 buyout fee. This fee will be deducted from the card on file or needs to be paid by check within 5 days if card is not approved.
7. It is mandatory to abide by the Attendance policy as outlined in the 2024-2025 Athlete Policies given out in this packet. All athletes are to attend their teams regularly scheduled practices. If an athlete is injured, they are still expected to be at practice. If your child has a fever or is vomiting they should not attend. A parent must fill out the absent form PRIOR to practice for this to be excused. All school activities and pre planned vacations should be submitted 14 days in advanced online as explained in the packet. After the athlete has reached 2 unexcused absences for the season,, a meeting with the All Star director will take place. At this time your child may be removed from their team and program at the discretion of the All Star Director. Attendance is required for success.
8. If at any time your child misses a competition for an unexcused reason, this is means for immediate termination
from the team and no refunds of any sort will be given.
9. Fusion will issue a list of “Black Out Weeks” during said black out weeks, any missed practices will result in the
athlete not being able to compete at the next competition. No competition fee refunds will be given for missing a competition
week practice.
10. Your child can and will be suspended from practices and or competitions for displaying inappropriate behavior and refusal to follow gym rules and instructions from coaches and staff. Please discuss this with your child. You are still responsible for your athlete’s fees during the period of suspension.
11. Athletes should not be dropped off more than 15 minutes early for a team or class. Athletes should not be picked up after 9:15pm, as this requires coaches and staff to work past their set hours.
13. All transportation to and from competitions is the sole responsibility of parents. I understand that some
competitions require a specific hotel. Information will be given as those dates approach.
14. I understand that as a Fusion member I am not allowed to use the Fusion Logo and make my own Fusion merchandise. I cannot sell or create your own Fusion Athletics apparel or merchandise. I also understand I am not allowed to contact any vendors on behalf of Fusion Athletics, doing so is grounds for dismissal from the program.
15. I understand that my athlete needs to come to practice every day in the proper attire. Athletes can wear anything for class but must be in the right attire for team practice. Hair needs to be up and bow in. Some teams may change their days based on the teams practice days check with your child’s team Facebook Group as it will always have this info.
16. We reserve the right to close practices at any time. This will occur if the viewing room becomes negative or distracting. Please remember to be your athlete’s, team’s and coach’s biggest cheerleader! As a parent, if you are causing drama you can and will be removed from the gym.
17. It is the parent’s responsibility to stay informed. Check your team Facebook Group regularly, if you are not receiving information contact the front desk immediately so we can check your account.
18. Part of an All Star Team is uniform, hair and makeup. To be on the team, all athletes must follow these guidelines. If you cannot commit to doing hair and makeup in the designated style, your athlete can’t participate.
19. Athletes are placed on a team with the expectation that the skills they have at tryouts will remain and grow through the season. If an athlete can no longer fulfill the role they were placed on the team for, they will be moved to a team where they can fulfill the necessary role.
20. I understand that by trying out for a Summit or Worlds Team, these teams will accept only At Large or Paid type of bid. If a team accepts an At Large Bid, they will be responsible for the Summit or Worlds Fees, practice wear and coaches fees. If a team accepts a paid bid, they will only be responsible for only practice wear, and coaches fees.
21. All athletes and parents are expected to carry and conduct themselves with the utmost maturity on social media. This includes but is not limited to social media posts, photos, interactions and discussion boards. Any violation of this policy may result in immediate termination from the program.
I agree to the Policy Agreement.
Consent to tuition/assessments/fees
I understand and agree that I have read the Fusion Athletics All Star Program Handbook and understand the cost of tuition/assessments/fees for each program. I understand that if I have any questions about the cost of tuition/assessments/fees, I should contact Fusion athletics prior to completing registration at Melissa@fusionallstars.com
Select Your Program
** Note, uniform fees are not included in the amounts listed. Select up to 3 programs that may be suited for your athlete. By selecting a program it does not guarantee your athlete is placed on a team in that program.
Novice Teams
Prep Teams
Elite Teams
Shooting Stars - Tiny's
Shooting Stars - Youth
Discounts and Savings
** Note, if you are a returning athlete, we will reach out and apply your loyalty discount prior to charging your fees.
My athlete is a returning Fusion Athlete and qualifies for the Loyalty Discount
I would like to pay my athletes All Star Program Tuition in full via cash only to receive a $100 discount off of tuition (Payment due by 4/1/24).
All All Star Cheer Program registration completed by 3/15/24 will automatically receive a $50 discount on tuition as part of our Early Bird Registration Special.
Consent to Registration Fee
I understand that a $50 registration fee is due upon completing registration
Is the athlete a returning All Star athlete?
How many seasons has your athlete completed at Fusion?
Registration Fee
Credit Card
Card Details
Cardholder Name
Signature of Person on Card